Capital Projects & Construction Center

Welcome to the Southampton Railroad Station rehabilitation project center. This webpage will provide information on the various construction projects that are part of the overall rehabilitation of the station building and beautification of the station grounds.

Project bids and proposals

Unless otherwise stated, projects listed on this site are un-funded. The Society is currently seeking proposals and bids from qualified contractors and restoration firms which will be used to secure funding. If you are a contractor or firm that specializes in restoration of historic structures, please contact us to discuss a project of interest.

Projects open for Bids/Proposals

The SRRSS is currently accepting proposals for the following projects. Please contact us to arrange a site tour prior to submitting any bids.

Installation of Sewer/Water Service

The SRRSS is in the early stages of developing an RFP for the installation of water/sewer utility service for Southampton Station. The station property does not have any existing connections to Upper Southampton Township's water or sewer system. Please contact us for more information.

Rehabilitation of upper slate roof / Reconstruction of lower slate roof

The SRRSS is accepting bids for the repair of the main roof and lower roof above the front door.

Removal and rehabilitation of windows

The SRRSS is accepting proposals to have the original windows removed from the station and reconstructed according to historic photographs and drawings.

Donor Information Center

Would you like to make a contribution to the restoration and preservation of the Reading Railroad's Southampton Station? There are many opportunities to contribute to the Society outside of cash donations. The Society has many needs ranging from tools and supplies for groundskeeping work, to materials and items needed to run events. In addition, the Society always has opportunities for hands on work volunteering at the Station and at events. Visit the volunteer page for a list of activities where your help is needed.

The donor center contains information on a "wish list" of items the Society needs to presently maintain Southampton Station, conduct fundraising events, beautify the station grounds, and secure funding through grants.
Visit the Donor Center